The state of anxiety is the foundation of a panic attack.
The anxious feeling that originates with the trigger situation
or stimuli gets generalized to similar
experiences as it moves through the body. The range of activities
that can bring forth a panic attack greatly increases. The final
result in the formation of a panic attack is that the person begins
to fear the fear of the attacks. That's when they start altering their
behavior to avoid situations that would bring on an
attack. The major coping skill is avoidance. When it gets to
this point, a person can be quite fearful, focused on the
future, and have a very constricted energy field.

In the process of attempting to distance
herself from the anxiety, a person moves out of the
body and disassociates. My solution to this vicious cycle
is to reinforce the mind-body connection by slowly starting to
move back into the body. To heal, a person must discover
and connect with parts of her body that are not
anxious or not as anxious. As she reclaims her
body, she can actually feel her feelings instead of
attempting to disclaim or disassociate from them.
I believe that the key to success is to slowly feel your
feelings without enhancing them through thought and to experience
the phenomenon of feelings shifting as they are fully engaged. The
culprit is not the feeling, but rather the conditioned
response of moving away from the feeling and having
the negative feeling reinforced by continuous negative
thoughts and images.